Credit Point Define

University of Computer Studies (Kalay)
No. Marks Letter Grade Grade Point
1 >90 A 4
2 85 - 89 A- 3.75
3 80 - 84 B+ 3.25
4 75 - 79 B 3
5 70 - 74 B- 2.75
6 65 - 69 C+ 2.25
7 60 - 64 C 2
8 55 - 59 C- 1.75
9 50 - 54 D 1
10 <50 F 0
Fail Grade and Re-Exam C-, D, F Grade Point < 2


Student gets the following marks in semester I

Total mark obtained 100% include Exam+ Tutorial+ lab+ Assignment+ project+ presentation + Attendance

No. Subject Credit Unit Total Marks Obtained 100% Grade Grade Score Credit Point
1 Myanmar 2 70 B- 2.75 5.5
2 English 3 75 B 3 9
3 Physics 3 68 C+ 2.25 6.75
4 Maths 3 86 A- 3.75 11.25
5 Principle of IT 3 92 A 4 12
6 Supporting Skills 2 55 C- 1.75 3.5
Total Credit Unit 16 Total Grade Point 48
Commutative GPA for each Semester 3.0
Overall GPA 3.0

After Semester I, student’s cumulative GPA is 3.00.

Cumulative GPA = Total Grade point /total credit unit

Overall GPA = ∑ Cumulative GPA for each semester /total semester

Student gets the following marks in semester II

No. Subject Credit Unit Total Marks Obtained 100% Grade Grade Score Credit Point
1 Myanmar 2 68 C+ 2.25 4.5
2 English 3 70 B- 2.75 8.25
3 Physics 3 55 C- 1.75 5.25
4 Maths 3 84 B+ 3.25 9.75
5 Principle of IT 3 89 A- 3.75 11.25
6 Supporting Skills 2 65 C+ 2.25 4.5
Total Credit Unit 16 Total Grade Point 43.5
Commutative GPA for each Semester 2.72
Overall GPA 2.86

After Semester II, student’s cumulative GPA is 2.72 and Overall GPA is 2.86.